Martial Arts—Accessing the Power Within

De Jesus Family

Martial Arts—Accessing the Power Within

Written by Julie Moore DeJesus

Discipline or having discipline is difficult for people to maintain.  Yet it is the fruit of the sacrifice of a behavior, such as self-defeat, for another such as perseverance.  Discipline can allow anyone to pursue anything, it always has.  Yet, without it, we can miss out on opportunities, and not take advantage of what is before us in the time allotted.  It is an ancient wise man who desires to be heard, to impart direction, and purpose in difficulties.  It like wisdom in Proverbs, who cries in the street, yet is not heard.

Eighteen years ago, before I married Angel, I was not familiar with the martial arts, or specifically Angel’s Karate.  Our focus was on Christ, but we were unaware of how He would direct our focus with purpose and discipline just a year later when Angel would retire from Dow Corning.  Angel had wanted to dedicate more time to studying and ministry.  Angel’s Karate Martial Arts Center was a self-sustaining business and yet now, with him leaving his job, we were going to have to believe the Lord for it to become more.



Martial Arts—Accessing the Power Within